
<a href=" Potion (Rare)" class="display-item">Trait Potion (Rare)</a>

Trait Potion (Rare)

Category: Trait Modifiers

Resale Value: 40 Gildes

Obtained: Elkh Shop.

Can be applied to: Bepotelkh, Sonoelkh and Shroomkin


Purchaseable At:

<a href=" Potion (Uncommon)" class="display-item">Trait Potion (Uncommon)</a>

Trait Potion (Uncommon)

Category: Trait Modifiers

Resale Value: 20 Gildes

Obtained: Elkh Shop.

Can be applied to: Bepotelkh, Sonoelkh.


Purchaseable At:

<a href=" Removal Potion" class="display-item">Trait Removal Potion</a>

Trait Removal Potion

Category: Trait Modifiers

Resale Value: 5 Gildes

Obtained: General Shop.


Purchaseable At:

<a href=" Swap Potion" class="display-item">Trait Swap Potion</a>

Trait Swap Potion

Category: Trait Modifiers

Resale Value: 5 Gildes

Swap a single C/UC/R trait for another trait of the same rarity. Applies to all species/subspecies of elkh.
Must be a previously approved design; does not apply to rolled fawns or other MYOs not yet designed; can be applied to rolled fawns only once they are grown.
For changing a trait to a higher or lower rarity, you'll need to purchase the applicable trait potion for the trait you want (common, uncommon, rare, etc).
Please note that C/UC/R physical traits (antlers, manes, tails, pupils, ears) for beps/sonos are all considered common on aitielkh.
Aiti rare traits are a different rarity than rare traits that apply to beps/sonos.



General Shop

Purchaseable At:

<a href=" Leaves Markings Potion" class="display-item">Tree Leaves Markings Potion</a>

Tree Leaves Markings Potion

Category: Trait Modifiers

Gives any bepotelkh or sonoelkh deciduous tree leaf markings (does not include flowers). Markings can be outlines, filled, or anything in between. Should be all one solid color or a two-tone gradient that goes across the markings as a whole (as opposed to individual leaves).

Uses: Gives any bepotelkh or sonoelkh deciduous tree leaf markings (does not include flowers).



Floral Gacha Box

Purchaseable At:

<a href=" Potion" class="display-item">Uni Potion</a>

Uni Potion

Category: Trait Modifiers

Replaces antlers with one pointed hornlike antler (can appear twisted or smooth) on one aitielkh or sonoaitielkh.



Beast Trials Winter 23

46 results found.