
Table of Contents

  1. Silkkassa
    1. Silkkassan Villages
  2. Miatias
    1. Miatian Villages
  3. World Map
    1. Regions


Silkkassa is a large northern continent that enjoys a wide variety of climates and ecosystems, from frozen tundra to taiga to boreal forest. In the southern areas you'll find a lush rainforest. Silkkassa is the bepotelkh homeland, but is not the only landmass in the world. The elkh of Silkkassa share their land with humans and shroomkin as well as non-sentient animals.

Silkkassan Villages

Domestic communities are typically a blend of human and elkh residents, although the exact proportions may vary. While bepotelkh do not require buildings for shelter, humans do; most architecture consists of wooden or stone A-frame buildings with turf roofs.

Electricity is a relatively new resource found mainly among the wealthy of Kei, and unheard of in much of the rest of Silkkassa, particularly in remote regions such as Villainen and Vleugel. Plumbing is more common in the south, but it is still something of a luxury. Most communities dig wells for water. 

Learn more about the individual Silkkassan Villages here.

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Miatias is a large island south of the main Silkkassan landmass. It is primarily desert, bisected by the Orowa river, which provides most of the fresh water that sustains life away from the coastal areas. Due to the geographic separation, life in Miatias looks very different than life in other parts of Silkkassa. The ground in most of Miatias is tough, gravelly, and rocky rather than sandy,  making large-scale farming difficult, but not impossible. Most of the food supply comes out of the mountain foothills, but farmers in the rest of Miatias make liberal use of cloth and wood shade structures or strategically placed trees year-round to protect their crops. Native vegetation in the form of succulents and short, scrubby plants is abundant, with a few taller plants and trees; many plants lay dormant until the monsoons arrive and appear only for a short window of time each year.

Miatian Villages

The people of Miatias consider themselves distinctly different to mainland Silkkassans. They have a very different culture and society, with architecture, motifs, and clothing styles unique to the island. Much of this can be attributed to the climate and landscape; most Miatian buildings are single-story, with flat roofs and large awnings at most windows and doors. In the mountains, some buildings may have multiple stories, with tight, winding staircases between floors.

Learn more about the individual Miatian Villages here.

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World Map


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Wild elkh, aitielkh, and sonoaitielkh do not dwell in human villages and typically do not use them as reference points. Instead, they will refer to a region they call home.

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