
Glowing Apparition

Glowing Apparition (Restricted)

Category: Misc
Species: Bepotelkh

A glowing ball of light of any color appears between your aitielkh's antlers (aitielkh only). Can be dismissed at will.

Hair Dye

Hair Dye (Restricted)

Category: Misc
Species: Bepotelkh

Heterochromia (Rare)

Category: Misc
Species: Bepotelkh

Eyes are two different colors.


Hybrid (Common)

Category: Misc
Species: Bepotelkh
Kelpie's Curse

Kelpie's Curse (Restricted)

Category: Misc
Species: Bepotelkh

Elkh who encounter Ulpukka may be subject to Kelpie's Curse: a trait which "curses" the elkh to live with a kelpie form which allows them to breathe and swim underwater. In its most extreme appearance, the form includes milky eyes that are missing an iris, glowing pupils, upper tusks, waterweeds in the mane and/or tail, and a greenish appearance overall (we use a 40% color layer with a subdued green).
This form has several options:
-A permanent kelpie appearance (strong curse)
-A semi-permanent kelpie apperance which only occurs when the bep touches water (weaker curse)
-A mixed kelpie appearance where the bep's base form includes an upper tusk (if not already present) and semi-milky eyes (weaker curse). They may still look further kelpie-like when they touch water.
You're free to apply this trait to any bep and decide which option fits your character. Some kelpie-cursed beps (or.. "belpies") may appear typical until they touch water, leading them to try to hide their condition. Others may embrace their new abilities!

You may submit an additional masterlist image of your elkh's kelpie form as an image update if you wish but it is not required when applying the kelpie's curse potion. This potion can be applied to any type of elkh or aitielkh; aitielkh have more control over the curse than regular elkh. In-canon this gives your elkh the ability to breathe and swim underwater.

Lower Tusks

Lower Tusks (Rare)

Category: Misc
Species: Bepotelkh

Somewhat vestigial.

Retired Trait

Retired Trait (Uncommon)

Category: Misc
Species: Bepotelkh


Shining Halo

Shining Halo (Restricted)

Category: Misc
Species: Bepotelkh

Aitielkh only. A sparkling halo of any color; can be above the head, around an antler (or antler tine), or around a leg or tail.

Sparkle Eyes

Sparkle Eyes (Restricted)

Category: Misc
Species: Bepotelkh
Spectral Bats

Spectral Bats (Restricted)

Category: Misc
Species: Bepotelkh

Ghostly semi-transparent bats fly around your elkh (can be applied to beps, sonos, and aitielkh).

Spectral Growth

Spectral Growth (Restricted)

Category: Misc
Species: Bepotelkh

Ghostly semi-transparent growth appears on your elkh's antlers (can be applied to beps, sonos, and aitielkh). Can be any vine-like plant and should be naturally colored.

Spectral Lights

Spectral Lights (Restricted)

Category: Misc
Species: Bepotelkh

Ghostly semi-transparent fairy lights appear around your elkh (can be applied to beps, sonos, and aitielkh). Can be any color.

Spectral Mushrooms

Spectral Mushrooms (Restricted)

Category: Misc
Species: Bepotelkh

Ghostly semi-transparent mushrooms appear on your elkh's antlers (can be applied to beps, sonos, and aitielkh). Can be any type of mushroom that fits on the antlers surface.

Star Rune

Star Rune (Restricted)

Category: Misc
Species: Bepotelkh

For any elkh. A glowing star enchantment that floats above the head/antlers.

Trailing Stars

Trailing Stars (Restricted)

Category: Misc
Species: Bepotelkh

For any elkh. Glowing trails of stars float around/behind the elkh with this enchantment.

Upper Tusks

Upper Tusks (Rare)

Category: Misc
Species: Bepotelkh

Somewhat vestigial.

Bat Wings

Bat Wings (Restricted)

Species: Bepotelkh

A pair of bat wings. Can be small to large, and they do function for flight!
-Does not apply to non-aiti bepotelkh or sonoelkh
-Can be combined with feathered wings using a mysterious carving
-Up to 3 sets of wings are possible, but each set requires a potion. The wings must be on the back.

Obtained via Bat Wing potion.

Colored Sclera

Colored Sclera (Aiti Rare Trait)

Species: Bepotelkh

Your aitielkh's sclera is a color other than off-white. Medium to light brightness (as opposed to Dark Sclera)- should be lighter than the pupil color. Applies to aitielkh and sonoaitielkh.
Obtained via Aiti Rare Trait Potion (Small).

Dark Sclera

Dark Sclera (Restricted)

Species: Bepotelkh

The sclera of the eye is a dark shade of whatever color you choose.
Obtained via Dark Sclera Potion.

Dragon Whiskers

Dragon Whiskers (Aiti Rare Trait)

Species: Bepotelkh

One to two long whiskers grow from the muzzle. Obtained via aiti rare trait potion.

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