
Habapi Beetlehorn

Habapi Beetlehorn (Habapi Crystal Trait)

Species: Habapi

Gives the habapi a beetle-like horn growing from the forehead. It may take one of two forms as shown in the trait example.

Habapi Colored Sclera

Habapi Colored Sclera (Habapi Crystal Trait)

Species: Habapi

Gives the habapi a sclera that is any color other than white or off-white. This includes dark sclera.

Habapi Dragon Scales

Habapi Dragon Scales (Habapi Crystal Trait)

Species: Habapi

Gives the Habapi hard scales. Should cover no more than half the body.
Can appear most places on the body but are most commonly found on the shins and forehead/snoot area. Cannot be placed where the mane grows or any other fluffy area.

Habapi Dragon Wings

Habapi Dragon Wings (Habapi Crystal Trait)

Species: Habapi

Gives the Habapi leathery Dragon Wings. Should be no smaller than the same size as the habapi's body and no larger than about 1.5x the size of the habapi.

Habapi Dragonhorn Texture

Habapi Dragonhorn Texture (Habapi Crystal Trait)

Species: Habapi

Gives the Habapi's horns texture similar to Meridia's scaled horns.

Habapi Extra

Habapi Extra (Habapi Crystal Trait)

Species: Habapi

Lengthens horns, ears, tails, or mane. One potion applies to one area (i.e. one potion would apply only to the tail and you'd need an additional potion forĀ  longer ears).

Habapi Fairy Wings

Habapi Fairy Wings (Habapi Crystal Trait)

Species: Habapi

Delicate insect-like wings. They are translucent and optionally may have sparkles and/or veins. The largest wings should be at least the size of the Habapis torso, and no longer than their entire (bipedal) height.

Habapi Feathered Wings

Habapi Feathered Wings (Habapi Crystal Trait)

Species: Habapi

Gives the Habapi Feathered Wings. Should be about 1.5x the size of the habapi.

Habapi Gemstone

Habapi Gemstone (Habapi Crystal Trait)

Species: Habapi

Fully crystal or crystal infused (any color). One potion covers horns + hooves.

Habapi Glitter

Habapi Glitter (Habapi Crystal Trait)

Species: Habapi

Creates a glittery appearance.
One potion covers either Horns + Hooves OR Fur + Mane (however, the design can have JUST glitter horns and not hooves, or JUST glitter mane and not fur, etc).

Habapi Glowing

Habapi Glowing (Habapi Crystal Trait)

Species: Habapi

Creates a glowing appearance. One potion covers either Horns + Hooves OR Fur + Mane (however, the design can have JUST glitter horns and not hooves, or JUST glitter mane and not fur, etc).

Habapi Iridescence

Habapi Iridescence (Habapi Crystal Trait)

Species: Habapi

Gives a rainbow sheen to the habapi. One potion may affect the fur and/or mane, or the horns and/or hooves.

Habapi Light Pupils

Habapi Light Pupils (Habapi Crystal Trait)

Species: Habapi

Gives the Habapi pupils which are lighter than the iris.

Habapi Metallic

Habapi Metallic (Habapi Crystal Trait)

Species: Habapi

Gives the habapi a metallic appearance. One potion covers Horns + Hooves or Fur/Markings + Mane (however, the design can have JUST metallic horns and not hooves, or JUST metallic mane and not fur, etc).

Habapi Prismatic

Habapi Prismatic (Habapi Crystal Trait)

Species: Habapi

Creates a prismatic appearance to the horns or hooves. The horns and/or hooves appear to be translucent crystal; may be tinted with a bit of color. When they catch the sunlight, these parts can give off rays of rainbow just like real crystals. (those who use CSP can see clip studios asset shop for prism brushes). One potion covers Horns + Hooves however, the design can have JUST prismatic horns and not hooves or vice-versa).

Habapi Rainbow Eyes

Habapi Rainbow Eyes (Habapi Crystal Trait)

Species: Habapi

Gives the habapi multicolor irises.

Habapi Rampant Growth

Habapi Rampant Growth (Habapi Crystal Trait)

Species: Habapi

Any kind of flower/plant/mushroom growth
One potion covers one type; either mushrooms or plants. There can be multple types of mushrooms or multiple types of plants; just not a combination of the two types unless there are two potions used. No more than 50% coverage.

17 results found.