Cloudy Mane (Rare)
Category: Manes
Species: Bepotelkh
Woolen and fluffy like a cloud.
Alternate Types Show
Cloudy Mane (Sono) (Rare)
Species: Bepotelkh
Collared Mane (Rare)
Category: Manes
Species: Bepotelkh
A bizarre looking mane that appears to grow backward.
Dragonmane (Rare)
Category: Manes
Species: Bepotelkh
A massive, fluffy mane that sprouts from the back of the head and neck.
Alternate Types Show
Dragonmane (sono) (Bepotelkh) (Rare)
Species: Bepotelkh
Dragonmane (sono) (Bepotelkh) (Rare)
Category: Manes
Parent Trait: Dragonmane (Rare)
Species: Bepotelkh
Extra Fluffy Mane (Rare)
Category: Manes
Species: Bepotelkh
An extraordinarily fluffy mane. Other bepotelkh tend to find this mane particularly attractive. Excellent for cuddling.
Ombre Mane (Rare)
Category: Manes
Species: Bepotelkh
Mane fades from one color/shade to another, from the top of the head to the shoulders (as shown in example). Applies to beps or sonos.
Overgrown Mane (Restricted)
Category: Manes
Species: Bepotelkh
The mane, regardless of type, continues down the spine. Applies to beps or sonos.
Ringlet Mane (Rare)
Category: Manes
Species: Bepotelkh
Big, beautiful ringlets.
Alternate Types Show
Ringlet Mane (Sono) (Rare)
Species: Bepotelkh
Silky Mane (Common)
Category: Manes
Species: Bepotelkh
A long, silky mane. The hair is smooth, but thick.
Alternate Types Show
Silky Mane (Sono) (Common)
Species: Bepotelkh
27 results found.