
Created: 11 February 2022, 13:58:26 MST
Last updated: 11 October 2024, 05:04:15 MST

Aitielkh are those elkh who have a close bond with nature and all of Aiti's creations, although typically they do not approve of humans and their domestication of the wilds of Silkkassa. The creation of a new aitielkh is a celebration for those who know them, whether they are born as an aitielkh fawn or choose to become an aitielkh later in life. All elkh have the innate potential to become aitielkh, regardless of their birth, but transformed aitielkh are rare.

Table of Contents

  1. Aitielkh
    1. Sono Aitielkh
  2. Paths to Aiti
    1. The Dream
    2. Transformation
  3. Society
    1. Relationships with Elkh
    2. Relationships with Humans
    3. Relationships with Shroomkin
    4. Relationshps with Animals
  4. Magic
    1. Learned Magic
    2. Wisps
    3. Elemental Traits
    4. Beast Trials


Aitielkh have a similar appearance to bepotelkh, but are a bit more lanky and graceful. the most notable difference is their bright colors and varied patterns. As adults, aitielkh are also granted a spectral flower crown and repeating pattern which they can reveal or hide at will.

They usually just refer to eachother as "elkh", but aitielkh are named after their goddess, Aiti. While bepotelkh in captivity don't tend to be intensely religious, aitielkh are devout to Aiti. They shun captivity, living a semi-nomadic life and leaving their fate strictly to themselves and to Aitis whims. The lore of these elkh says that their markings were painted on by the velvet antler of Aiti herself and their eyes glow day or night, light or none. Aitielkh are capable of using magic, though much of their magic is used in their appearance without conscious effort. They may go through trials to learn various types of magic, and some may go as far as mastering it.

sono aitielkh

Sono Aitielkh are similar to Silkkassan Aitielkh, but instead of a repeating pattern, each has a unique constellation somewhere on their body. Their flowercrowns tend to have desert flora. Their lore imagines Aiti in a form that resembles them a little more closely.

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Paths to Aiti

There are two ways aitielkh are created; those born as aitielkh fawns, and those who become aitielkh as adults. 

The dream

Aitielkh fawns share the same bodyshape as other aiti, but do not have the repeating patterns, glowing eyes, or flower crown that adults do. The aiti fawn must survive one winter before they become initiated. At the first full moon after the frogs begin to sing in the spring, the aiti gather from all places to a hidden spring at the foot of the Buckh Mountains and north of Reheva. The spring is completely round like the moon and is a beautiful blue-green in the daylight. One can see all the way to the bottom, where the white sands churn as water springs up from the earth. Here at the edge of the pool, the aiti tell their creation story and then bed down for the night. The yearlings will then drink from the pool. They dream that night, and then awaken with their glowing eyes, markings, and a spectral flower crown made of stones and everlasting blooms that reflect their dominant personality traits. The dream is considered a vision, and it may be a vision of the past or future, positive or negative. It's said that this can affect elements of their appearance.

The pool in Silkkassa's Rainsong Forest is guarded  by Usnea. The pool in Miatias' Venido Canyon is guarded by Vesper.


A bepotelkh that has surpassed their superstition and fear of aitielkh can join them. They must perform the same ritual as aitielkh fawns in order to transform. They will be able to use basic aiti magic, but it will not come naturally as it does to natural-born aitielkh. Instead, they must learn it. Their color changes to either a bright, saturated version of its bepotelkh form, or becomes a dark, desaturated version of it, depending on whether their dream contained a positive or negative vision. They maintain their original bodyshape.

In order to transform an elkh into an aitielkh, you can complete the Wild Pact/Desert Trail prompts to earn a transformation ticket OR buy a transformation ticket in the shops to skip those prompts. You'll then get to make (or commission) new artwork of your elkh in their aiti form. You can continue using either form in prompts, but in "canon", the change is permanent. In the case of prompts, you could draw your elkh's old bep form in a scene from the past, for example, but they can't transform back-and-forth at will.

When you transform your elkh, you can choose:

  • elements of their repeating pattern (or a constellation for sonos)
  • two flowers/plants and one type of stone for their crown

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While Aitielkh are a little spread out in the wilds, they do form bonds and sometimes herds.

relationships with elkh

Bepotelkh and aitielkh don't mingle much. In fact, bepotelkh have certain rumors and folklore about the aitielkh because they know so little and stay so far away from them. They generally fear them, and whisper rumors that they can use magic. However, there have been times where elkh seek out the aitielkh for assistance or guideance. Aitielkh know well enough about their elkh brethren, but their lives are so different they simply keep to themselves most of the time.

relationships with humans

Many aitielkh don't understand at all why bepotelkh would want to live in captivity or what their relationship with humans is. They vanish quickly if humans are spotted in the wild as they do not trust them at all. They will let bepotelkh approach, but it so rarely happens that their relationship is an awkward one, so they typically ignore or avoid beps if they cross paths. It's rumored among aitielkh that their kind would perish in captivity, or that they would at least lose their color and magic.

In reality, there are some aitielkh that live with magic using humans that live outside of traditional villages. This is an uncommon arrangement, but aitielkh may be found with witches, wizards, and other magickers that live on the edges of civilization or within wilderness.

relationships with shroomkin

Aitielkh are close friends with Shroomkin. Both are elusive to humans and stay out of sight. Shroomkin communities often have one or more Aitielkh that protect their clans from humans using their illusion magic. These aitielkh also help out the shroomkin by providing fire for them to make tools. In return the shroomkin spread their spores at the aiti shrines and watch over said shrines. They will also craft items for aitielkh and generally work together with them harmoniously whenever trouble crops up.

relationships with animals

Aitielkh respect all animals and their contribution to life on the planet. They try not to overstep or hinder in the way of nature when it comes to wildlife. However, Aitielkh are born with the ability to communicate with all animals. Some use telepathy magic to communicate with animals and other use Wild Speak, a combination of speech, chattering and body language. Bepotelkh who go through the initiantion to become an aiti are blessed with these skills after they wake up from their dream.

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All Aitielkh are capable of some illusion magic beginning from either when they were fawns, or after their dream at Aiti's pool (if transformed aiti). As they grow more proficient in their magic they can cast more complex illusions to hide themselves or create distractions. Fawns may have very minor control over this magic until they are initiated.

Learned Magic

There are trials that can be completed that will earn your aitielkh varying degrees of control over elemental, healing, and thaumatury magic. There are currently five types of magic that can be mastered: Friendly Fire, Rushing Waters, Aiti's Healing, Lightning Strike and Thuamaturgy. Each magic has three levels: awakening, intermediate and mastery. Go to our MAGIC GUIDE to learn more about what type of magic can be accomplished at what level.


When your aiti has completed the intermediate level trials in addition to the magic skills your character unlocked, they also unlock a corresponding elemental wisp companion. These companions are a manifestation of the element of magic they learned. They have the quality of the type of magic they are manifested from but can take any (one) shape, or even change shapes according to the aiti's personality and preference. Wisps cannot speak but are able to communicate fully with their aiti owner as the wisps is a manifestation of the aiti's own soul and magical power. Wisps do not have to be utilized by their aiti and can be brought out or hidden at will. Their default nature is to be incorporeal but can be solid at times when needed. Wisps cannot be seen by average humans, a human that is trained in magic may be able to see one though.

Examples of wisp companions such as a fire themed rabbit and an overgrowth themed snake.

Above are some examples. Wisps can take the shape of any animal or natural object, (but should not be completely original animal made up by the player). Wisps cannot take the form of a shroomkin, human or any playable species or creature that communicates through spoken word. Like other companions these wisps count toward gilde bonuses in your prompts.

elemental traits

When your aiti has completed the mastery level trials in addition to the magic skills your character unlocks corresponding elemental traits. These traits can be shown off or hidden at will. There is no limit to how many elemental traits your aiti can possess as long as they have mastered the magic.

Above are some examples. Masters of thaumaturgy magic can also use their magic to make accessories or style their fur in ways that usually require a creature with hands. If you have any questions of what can be accomplished with elemental traits feel free to ask in our discord chat (or message Herboreal or Nopalrabbit).

beast trials

Beast trials are special limited time events that happen each season. During theses beast trials your aiti must use their magic and have the ability to earn chests may contain a restricted trait potion or other prizes.

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