Claim (#1029) Approved

27 February 2023, 21:12:26 MST (1 year ago)
28 February 2023, 14:29:34 MST (1 year ago) by Herboreal


The above links to my player profile which includes a link to my Trello treasury account (jasmine-blight). Thank you!! (Sorry if I've done anything wrong, feel free to ping me on Discord @ moth#4375!)


Reward Amount
Trait Potion (Rare) 2
Trait Potion (Uncommon) 2
Heart Marking Potion 1
Stars of Aiti Potion 1
Spectral Mushrooms 1
Mysterious Carving 2
Orange Blossom Collar 1
Polyphemus Moth Shawl 1
Autumn Floral Collar (copper) 1
Autumn Leaf Lantern 1
Fawn Growth 1
Rabbit (Jackalope) 1
Rabbit (Dutch) 1
Chicken (Rooster) 1
Quail (Fancy) 1
Quail (Standard) 1
Rabbit (Snowshoe) 1
Mountain Fox 1
Parti Pom (Cream) 1
Gildes 5



These items have been removed from the claimant's inventory and will be refunded if the request is rejected or consumed if it is approved.

Item Source Notes Quantity

mothling's Bank

Currency Quantity