All Prompts

Excursion to the Old District

Excursion to the Old District

Category: Habapi Ruins


Stone paths lead to many little square abodes lined up in a cozy grid. Now dry aqueducts from the Twin Springs feed into empty fountains. Trees and plants once meticulously planted now grow into the streets and alleys, and even some of the empty dwellings.



Show your habapi exploring and gathering materials at the Old District within the old Habapi Ruins.

  • Drawn prompts must include Fullbody habapi (75%+ of the body) and a platform/simple background,
  • Written prompts must be minimum of 750 words.

The main character must be a habapi! Your habapi may be in feral or bipedal form. Additional characters included can be other habapi, elkh, aitielkh, or shroomkin! (humans are too scared of the jungle to participate.) Habapi should be the focus of the prompt.

Ruins prompts may be repeated with the same or different habapi. This prompt may be entered as many times as you want


For doing this prompt your habapi will receive three bags containing two random crafting runes each (6 runes total).

There is no standard gilde reward, however you may add additional gilde bonuses like complex BG or more characters to receive bonus gildes. For more information about base requirements and bonus gildes please check the currency guide!

If adding gilde bonuses, please copy/paste and fill out the following bonus list for your type of prompt (art or writing) into the comment section of your prompt entry!

Art Bonuses Writing Bonuses
Do not include minimum requirements here, such as required additional characters or required simple BGs!

# of Additional Minor Characters:
# of Additional Major Characters:
# of Companions:
Complex Background Y/N:
Do not include minimum requirements here, such as required additional characters!

# of Additional Minor Characters:
# of Additional Major Characters:
# of Companions:
Additional Words:


This is a character specific reward prompt so please make sure to add only the MAIN CHARACTER to the prompt submission so we know who is receiving the character reward!


Reward Amount
Habapi Crafting Materials 3


Restoration: Old District
First Excursion: Dar Voolta

First Excursion: Dar Voolta

Category: Habapi Ruins


An underground labyrinth beneath the habapi ruins, filled with storerooms, glass record libraries and forgotten secrets. Musty air and cobwebs fill halls once cherished by its builders.



Show your habapi exploring and gathering materials at Dar Voolta within the old Habapi Ruins.

  • Drawn prompts must include Fullbody habapi (75%+ of the body) and a platform/simple background,
  • Written prompts must be minimum of 750 words.

The main character must be a habapi! Your habapi may be in feral or bipedal form. Additional characters included can be other habapi, elkh, aitielkh, or shroomkin! (humans are too scared of the jungle to participate.) Habapi should be the focus of the prompt.

Ruins prompts may be repeated with the same or different habapi. If you receive a duplicate recipe record you may exchange your UNOPENED recipe record for a random crafting rune by sending the record attached to a claim. 


For doing this prompt your habapi will receive a crafting rune and a crafting record specific to this location. Your habapi will also receive a bag of two additional (random) crafting runes.

There is no standard gilde reward, however you may add additional gilde bonuses like complex BG or more characters to receive bonus gildes. For more information about base requirements and bonus gildes please check the currency guide!

If adding gilde bonuses, please copy/paste and fill out the following bonus list for your type of prompt (art or writing) into the comment section of your prompt entry!

Art Bonuses Writing Bonuses
Do not include minimum requirements here, such as required additional characters or required simple BGs!

# of Additional Minor Characters:
# of Additional Major Characters:
# of Companions:
Complex Background Y/N:
Do not include minimum requirements here, such as required additional characters!

# of Additional Minor Characters:
# of Additional Major Characters:
# of Companions:
Additional Words:


This is a character specific reward prompt so please make sure to add only the MAIN CHARACTER to the prompt submission so we know who is receiving the character reward!


Reward Amount
Material: Umbra 1
Habapi Bat Wings Potion Recipe 1
Habapi Crafting Materials 1


Restoration: Dar Voolta
First Excursion: Forgotten Workshop

First Excursion: Forgotten Workshop

Category: Habapi Ruins


A thick layer of white dust covers the broken tables and chalk boards. Light and plants spill in through the cracked ceiling of the open room. On one side, what seems to be kilns are lined up, though no longer functional. On the other side broken cabinets with tools, and habapi records. There are many jars and barrels that used to hold various powders, now tipped over and mostly empty.



Show your habapi exploring and gathering materials in the Forgotten Workshop within the old Habapi Ruins.

  • Drawn prompts must include Fullbody habapi (75%+ of the body) and a platform/simple background,
  • Written prompts must be minimum of 750 words.

The main character must be a habapi! Your habapi may be in feral or bipedal form. Additional characters included can be other habapi, elkh, aitielkh, or shroomkin! (humans are too scared of the jungle to participate.) Habapi should be the focus of the prompt.

Ruins prompts may be repeated with the same or different habapi. If you receive a duplicate recipe record you may exchange your UNOPENED recipe record for a random crafting rune by sending the record attached to a claim. 


For doing this prompt your habapi will receive a crafting rune and a crafting record specific to this location. Your habapi will also receive a bag of two additional (random) crafting runes. The recipe is for a Creta Pot, which is a magical item that can be used as an accessory or for future crafting recipes.

There is no standard gilde reward, however you may add additional gilde bonuses like complex BG or more characters to receive bonus gildes. For more information about base requirements and bonus gildes please check the currency guide!

If adding gilde bonuses, please copy/paste and fill out the following bonus list for your type of prompt (art or writing) into the comment section of your prompt entry!

Art Bonuses Writing Bonuses
Do not include minimum requirements here, such as required additional characters or required simple BGs!

# of Additional Minor Characters:
# of Additional Major Characters:
# of Companions:
Complex Background Y/N:
Do not include minimum requirements here, such as required additional characters!

# of Additional Minor Characters:
# of Additional Major Characters:
# of Companions:
Additional Words:


This is a character specific reward prompt so please make sure to add only the MAIN CHARACTER to the prompt submission so we know who is receiving the character reward!


Reward Amount
Creta Pot Recipe 1
Material: Creta 1
Habapi Crafting Materials 1


Restoration: Forgotten Workshop
First Excursion: Looz Porta

First Excursion: Looz Porta

Category: Habapi Ruins


Decorative stone columns surround a large arena. Arches that hold up dry aqueducts from the Twin Springs feed into now empty habapi-made fountains and mosaic pools. The purpose of this treasured location is unclear.



Show your habapi exploring and gathering materials at Looz Porta within the old Habapi Ruins.

  • Drawn prompts must include Fullbody habapi (75%+ of the body) and a platform/simple background,
  • Written prompts must be minimum of 750 words.

The main character must be a habapi! Your habapi may be in feral or bipedal form. Additional characters included can be other habapi, elkh, aitielkh, or shroomkin! (humans are too scared of the jungle to participate.) Habapi should be the focus of the prompt.

Ruins prompts may be repeated with the same or different habapi. If you receive a duplicate recipe record you may exchange your UNOPENED recipe record for a random crafting rune by sending the record attached to a claim. 


For doing this prompt your habapi will receive a crafting rune and a crafting record specific to this location. Your habapi will also receive a bag of two additional (random) crafting runes.

There is no standard gilde reward, however you may add additional gilde bonuses like complex BG or more characters to receive bonus gildes. For more information about base requirements and bonus gildes please check the currency guide!

If adding gilde bonuses, please copy/paste and fill out the following bonus list for your type of prompt (art or writing) into the comment section of your prompt entry!

Art Bonuses Writing Bonuses
Do not include minimum requirements here, such as required additional characters or required simple BGs!

# of Additional Minor Characters:
# of Additional Major Characters:
# of Companions:
Complex Background Y/N:
Do not include minimum requirements here, such as required additional characters!

# of Additional Minor Characters:
# of Additional Major Characters:
# of Companions:
Additional Words:


This is a character specific reward prompt so please make sure to add only the MAIN CHARACTER to the prompt submission so we know who is receiving the character reward!


Reward Amount
Material: Lumin 1
Habapi Feathered Wings Potion Recipe 1
Habapi Crafting Materials 1


Restoration: Looz Porta
First Excursion: Old Grove

First Excursion: Old Grove

Category: Habapi Ruins


On the far west side of the ruins, a massive tree with entangled roots and vines reaches to the sky. Once intricately placed fruit trees, vegetable patches and medicinal herb beds have been long left behind and are now overgrown and wild. The aqueducts from the Twin Springs that watered the massive garden are dry.



Show your habapi exploring and gathering materials in Old Grove within the old Habapi Ruins.

  • Drawn prompts must include Fullbody habapi (75%+ of the body) and a platform/simple background,
  • Written prompts must be minimum of 750 words.

The main character must be a habapi! Your habapi may be in feral or bipedal form. Additional characters included can be other habapi, elkh, aitielkh, or shroomkin! (humans are too scared of the jungle to participate.) Habapi should be the focus of the prompt.

Ruins prompts may be repeated with the same or different habapi. If doing the prompt again you may exchange your UNOPENED record for a random crafting rune by sending the record attached to a claim.


For doing this prompt your habapi will receive a crafting rune and a crafting record specific to this location. Your habapi will also receive a bag of two additional (random) crafting runes.

There is no standard gilde reward, however you may add additional gilde bonuses like complex BG or more characters to receive bonus gildes. For more information about base requirements and bonus gildes please check the currency guide!

If adding gilde bonuses, please copy/paste and fill out the following bonus list for your type of prompt (art or writing) into the comment section of your prompt entry!

Art Bonuses Writing Bonuses
Do not include minimum requirements here, such as required additional characters or required simple BGs!

# of Additional Minor Characters:
# of Additional Major Characters:
# of Companions:
Complex Background Y/N:
Do not include minimum requirements here, such as required additional characters!

# of Additional Minor Characters:
# of Additional Major Characters:
# of Companions:
Additional Words:


This is a character specific reward prompt so please make sure to add only the MAIN CHARACTER to the prompt submission so we know who is receiving the character reward!


Reward Amount
Material: Viridis 1
Habapi Rampant Growth Potion Recipe 1
Habapi Crafting Materials 1


Restoration: Old Grove
First Excursion: The Cracked Tower

First Excursion: The Cracked Tower

Category: Habapi Ruins


A crumbling stone tower slowly turning green with vines. Each floor contains chairs, desks and shelves strewn about, the crumbling tower walls letting in more light than it's old windows ever did. The tower winds up leading to a circular room with broken glass gadgets and metal scrap.



Show your habapi exploring and gathering materials at The Cracked Tower within the old Habapi Ruins.

  • Drawn prompts must include Fullbody habapi (75%+ of the body) and a platform/simple background,
  • Written prompts must be minimum of 750 words.

The main character must be a habapi! Your habapi may be in feral or bipedal form. Additional characters included can be other habapi, elkh, aitielkh, or shroomkin! (humans are too scared of the jungle to participate.) Habapi should be the focus of the prompt.

Ruins prompts may be repeated with the same or different habapi. If you receive a duplicate recipe record you may exchange your UNOPENED recipe record for a random crafting rune by sending the record attached to a claim. 


For doing this prompt your habapi will receive a crafting rune and a crafting record specific to this location. Your habapi will also receive a bag of two additional (random) crafting runes.

There is no standard gilde reward, however you may add additional gilde bonuses like complex BG or more characters to receive bonus gildes. For more information about base requirements and bonus gildes please check the currency guide!

If adding gilde bonuses, please copy/paste and fill out the following bonus list for your type of prompt (art or writing) into the comment section of your prompt entry!

Art Bonuses Writing Bonuses
Do not include minimum requirements here, such as required additional characters or required simple BGs!

# of Additional Minor Characters:
# of Additional Major Characters:
# of Companions:
Complex Background Y/N:
Do not include minimum requirements here, such as required additional characters!

# of Additional Minor Characters:
# of Additional Major Characters:
# of Companions:
Additional Words:


This is a character specific reward prompt so please make sure to add only the MAIN CHARACTER to the prompt submission so we know who is receiving the character reward!


Reward Amount
Material: Fulgur 1
Habapi Gemstone Potion Recipe 1
Habapi Crafting Materials 1


Restoration: The Cracked Tower
First Excursion: The Twin Springs

First Excursion: The Twin Springs

Category: Habapi Ruins


Two massive stone fountains with aqueducts that spiral and weave throughout the old city. The water is only a trickle now. Carved into the fountains are stories of the past, as well as decorative patterns made up of jungle plants, animals and insects.



Show your habapi exploring and gathering materials at The Twin Springs within the old Habapi Ruins.

  • Drawn prompts must include Fullbody habapi (75%+ of the body) and a platform/simple background,
  • Written prompts must be minimum of 750 words.

The main character must be a habapi! Your habapi may be in feral or bipedal form. Additional characters included can be other habapi, elkh, aitielkh, or shroomkin! (humans are too scared of the jungle to participate.) Habapi should be the focus of the prompt.

Ruins prompts may be repeated with the same or different habapi. If doing the prompt again you may exchange your UNOPENED recipe record for a random crafting rune by sending the record attached to a claim.


For doing this prompt your habapi will receive a crafting rune and a crafting record specific to this location. Your habapi will also receive a bag of two additional (random) crafting runes.

There is no standard gilde reward, however you may add additional gilde bonuses like complex BG or more characters to receive bonus gildes. For more information about base requirements and bonus gildes please check the currency guide!

If adding gilde bonuses, please copy/paste and fill out the following bonus list for your type of prompt (art or writing) into the comment section of your prompt entry!

Art Bonuses Writing Bonuses
Do not include minimum requirements here, such as required additional characters or required simple BGs!

# of Additional Minor Characters:
# of Additional Major Characters:
# of Companions:
Complex Background Y/N:
Do not include minimum requirements here, such as required additional characters!

# of Additional Minor Characters:
# of Additional Major Characters:
# of Companions:
Additional Words:


This is a character specific reward prompt so please make sure to add only the MAIN CHARACTER to the prompt submission so we know who is receiving the character reward!


Reward Amount
Material: Unda 1
Habapi Glitter Potion Recipe 1
Habapi Crafting Materials 1


Restoration: Twin Springs
First Excursion: Underground Forges

First Excursion: Underground Forges

Category: Habapi Ruins


Ducts and idle fans that lead to the surface shine dappled light in the underground caverns. Slowly moving lava vents weave between old hearths, ovens and anvils. Metal and stone scrap litter the ground reflecting glittering light in the cavern.



Show your habapi exploring and gathering materials at the Underground Forges within the old Habapi Ruins.

  • Drawn prompts must include Fullbody habapi (75%+ of the body) and a platform/simple background,
  • Written prompts must be minimum of 750 words.

The main character must be a habapi! Your habapi may be in feral or bipedal form. Additional characters included can be other habapi, elkh, aitielkh, or shroomkin! (humans are too scared of the jungle to participate.) Habapi should be the focus of the prompt.

Ruins prompts may be repeated with the same or different habapi. If doing the prompt again you may exchange your UNOPENED record for a random crafting rune by sending the record attached to a claim.


For doing this prompt your habapi will receive a crafting rune and a crafting record specific to this location. Your habapi will also receive a bag of two additional (random) crafting runes.

There is no standard gilde reward, however you may add additional gilde bonuses like complex BG or more characters to receive bonus gildes. For more information about base requirements and bonus gildes please check the currency guide!

If adding gilde bonuses, please copy/paste and fill out the following bonus list for your type of prompt (art or writing) into the comment section of your prompt entry!

Art Bonuses Writing Bonuses
Do not include minimum requirements here, such as required additional characters or required simple BGs!

# of Additional Minor Characters:
# of Additional Major Characters:
# of Companions:
Complex Background Y/N:
Do not include minimum requirements here, such as required additional characters!

# of Additional Minor Characters:
# of Additional Major Characters:
# of Companions:
Additional Words:


This is a character specific reward prompt so please make sure to add only the MAIN CHARACTER to the prompt submission so we know who is receiving the character reward!


Reward Amount
Material: Ignis 1
Habapi Metallic Potion Recipe 1
Habapi Crafting Materials 1


Restoration: Underground Forges
Restoration: Dar Voolta

Restoration: Dar Voolta

Category: Habapi Ruins


An underground labyrinth beneath the habapi ruins, filled with storerooms, glass record libraries and forgotten secrets. Musty air and cobwebs fill halls once cherished by its builders.

As the habapi explore the depths in Dar Voolta they start to feel a shadow of magical energy. The magic begins to guide the habapi, learning the labyrinth like the back of their hoofy hands. As they clean the store rooms and read old records Dar Voolta feels less frightening and more like a cozy den. The shadow of magic energy turns into a deep embrace and with it, their long forgotten Umbra magic returned.

Show your habapi repairing the Dar Voolta underground manually or magically, how does your habapi react to their new magic ability? Does it come easy to them? (Read about Habapi magic Here)



Show your habapi either manually or magically restoring the underground Dar Voolta within the old Habapi Ruins.

  • Drawn prompts must include Fullbody habapi (75%+ of the body) and a platform/simple background,
  • Written prompts must be minimum of 750 words.

The main character must be a habapi! Your habapi may be in feral or bipedal form. Additional characters included can be other habapi, elkh, aitielkh, or shroomkin! (humans are too scared of the jungle to participate.) Habapi should be the focus of the prompt.

Ruins prompts may be repeated with the same or different habapi. Your habapi must first complete "First Excursion: Dar Voolta” to receive Umbra magic.
If you receive a duplicate recipe record you may exchange your UNOPENED recipe record for a random crafting rune by sending the record attached to a claim. 



For doing this prompt your habapi will receive a crafting rune and a crafting recipe specific to this location. Your habapi will also receive a bag of two additional (random) crafting runes. They also unlock their Umbra magic for participation in Beast Trials. (Habapi only have one level of magic which is equivalent to aitielkh Lv 2/Intermediate magic)

There is no standard gilde reward, however you may add additional gilde bonuses like complex BG or more characters to receive bonus gildes. For more information about base requirements and bonus gildes please check the currency guide!

If adding gilde bonuses, please copy/paste and fill out the following bonus list for your type of prompt (art or writing) into the comment section of your prompt entry!

Art Bonuses Writing Bonuses
Do not include minimum requirements here, such as required additional characters or required simple BGs!

# of Additional Minor Characters:
# of Additional Major Characters:
# of Companions:
Complex Background Y/N:
Do not include minimum requirements here, such as required additional characters!

# of Additional Minor Characters:
# of Additional Major Characters:
# of Companions:
Additional Words:


This is a character specific reward prompt so please make sure to add only the MAIN CHARACTER to the prompt submission so we know who is receiving the character reward!


Reward Amount
Habapi Glowing Recipe 1
Material: Umbra 1
Habapi Crafting Materials 1


This prompt requires you to have completed First Excursion: Dar Voolta 1 time.
Restoration: Forgotten Workshop

Restoration: Forgotten Workshop

Category: Habapi Ruins


A thick layer of white dust covers the broken tables and chalk boards. Light and plants spill in through the cracked ceiling of the open room. On one side, what seems to be kilns are lined up, though no longer functional. On the other side broken cabinets with tools, and habapi records. There are many jars and barrels that used to hold various powders, now tipped over and mostly empty.

As the habapi explore the Forgotten Workshop start to sense a tickle of magical energy. The strange sensation stays with them as they read the many records and repair the workshop and its surroundings. Kilns begin to turn on again and habapi learn how to mix, mold and cure the magical Creta Chalk, while others practice drawing symbols and magic circles on the chalkboards.  The tickle then seems to leap off the habapi and into the magic circles, chalks, kilns and even pots. The Workshop is buzzing and with it, their long forgotten Creta magic returned.

Show your habapi repairing or learning in the Forgotten Workshop manually or magically, how does your habapi react to their new magic ability? Does it come easy to them? (Read about Habapi magic Here)



Show your habapi either manually or magically restoring the Forgotten Workshop within the old Habapi Ruins.

  • Drawn prompts must include Fullbody habapi (75%+ of the body) and a platform/simple background,
  • Written prompts must be minimum of 750 words.

The main character must be a habapi! Your habapi may be in feral or bipedal form. Additional characters included can be other habapi, elkh, aitielkh, or shroomkin! (humans are too scared of the jungle to participate.) Habapi should be the focus of the prompt.

Ruins prompts may be repeated with the same or different habapi. Your habapi must first complete "First Excursion: Forgotten Workshop” to receive Creta magic.
If you receive a duplicate Creta Chalk for your habapi you may exchange your duplicate for a random crafting rune by sending the chalk attached to a claim. 
Creta Chalk cannot be sold or transferred to other characters.



For doing this prompt your habapi will receive a Creta Chalk and a crafting rune specific to this location. Your habapi will also receive a bag of two additional (random) crafting runes. They also unlock their Creta magic for participation in Beast Trials. (Creta magic is only available for habapi, read about it HERE)

There is no standard gilde reward, however you may add additional gilde bonuses like complex BG or more characters to receive bonus gildes. For more information about base requirements and bonus gildes please check the currency guide!

If adding gilde bonuses, please copy/paste and fill out the following bonus list for your type of prompt (art or writing) into the comment section of your prompt entry!

Art Bonuses Writing Bonuses
Do not include minimum requirements here, such as required additional characters or required simple BGs!

# of Additional Minor Characters:
# of Additional Major Characters:
# of Companions:
Complex Background Y/N:
Do not include minimum requirements here, such as required additional characters!

# of Additional Minor Characters:
# of Additional Major Characters:
# of Companions:
Additional Words:


This is a character specific reward prompt so please make sure to add only the MAIN CHARACTER to the prompt submission so we know who is receiving the character reward!


Reward Amount
Creta Chalk 1
Material: Creta 1
Habapi Crafting Materials 1


This prompt requires you to have completed First Excursion: Forgotten Workshop 1 time.
Restoration: Looz Porta

Restoration: Looz Porta

Category: Habapi Ruins


Decorative stone columns surround a large arena. Arches that hold up dry aqueducts from the Twin Springs feed into now empty habapi-made fountains and mosaic pools. The purpose of this treasured location is unclear.

As the habapi return to Looz Porta they start to feel a twinkle of magical energy. They soon discovered that by cleaning and repairing Looz Porta and its surroundings, the beautiful location filled with fountains and mosaic pools enthralled other habapi to come and gather. The twinkle of magic energy turn into fantastic melody and with it, their long forgotten Lumin magic returned.

Show your habapi repairing the Looz Porta gathering spot manually or magically, how does your habapi react to their new magic ability? Does it come easy to them? (Read about Habapi magic Here)



Show your habapi either manually or magically repairing Looz Porta within the old Habapi Ruins.

  • Drawn prompts must include Fullbody habapi (75%+ of the body) and a platform/simple background,
  • Written prompts must be minimum of 750 words.

The main character must be a habapi! Your habapi may be in feral or bipedal form. Additional characters included can be other habapi, elkh, aitielkh, or shroomkin! (humans are too scared of the jungle to participate.) Habapi should be the focus of the prompt.

Ruins prompts may be repeated with the same or different habapi. Your habapi must first complete "First Excursion: Looz Porta” to receive Lumin magic.
If you receive a duplicate recipe record you may exchange your UNOPENED recipe record for a random crafting rune by sending the record attached to a claim. 


For doing this prompt your habapi will receive a crafting rune and a crafting recipe specific to this location. Your habapi will also receive a bag of two additional (random) crafting runes. They also unlock their Lumin magic for participation in Beast Trials. (Habapi only have one level of magic which is equivalent to aitielkh Lv 2/Intermediate magic)

There is no standard gilde reward, however you may add additional gilde bonuses like complex BG or more characters to receive bonus gildes. For more information about base requirements and bonus gildes please check the currency guide!

If adding gilde bonuses, please copy/paste and fill out the following bonus list for your type of prompt (art or writing) into the comment section of your prompt entry!

Art Bonuses Writing Bonuses
Do not include minimum requirements here, such as required additional characters or required simple BGs!

# of Additional Minor Characters:
# of Additional Major Characters:
# of Companions:
Complex Background Y/N:
Do not include minimum requirements here, such as required additional characters!

# of Additional Minor Characters:
# of Additional Major Characters:
# of Companions:
Additional Words:


This is a character specific reward prompt so please make sure to add only the MAIN CHARACTER to the prompt submission so we know who is receiving the character reward!


Reward Amount
Habapi Prismatic Recipe 1
Material: Lumin 1
Habapi Crafting Materials 1


This prompt requires you to have completed First Excursion: Looz Porta 1 time.
Restoration: Old District

Restoration: Old District

Category: Habapi Ruins


Stone paths lead to many little square abodes lined up in a cozy grid. Now dry aqueducts from the Twin Springs feed into empty fountains. Trees and plants once meticulously planted now grow into the streets and alleys, and even some of the empty dwellings.

As the habapi return to explore the old district, they discovered that it was separated into 3 neighborhoods: the Star, Moon and Soul districts. These were the housing districts at the capitol, where most of the habapi lived happily together. As some habapi gained back their magic to move stone and redistribute the overgrowth, they found that these abodes were still quite functional; they just need a little love.

 Show your habapi either manually or magically restoring the housing districts. Do they decide to live together with friends or family? How do they prepare the restored ruins to make a new cozy home?



Show your habapi either manually or magically restoring the housing districts in the Old District within the old Habapi Ruins.

  • Drawn prompts must include Fullbody habapi (75%+ of the body) and a platform/simple background,
  • Written prompts must be minimum of 750 words.

The main character must be a habapi! Your habapi may be in feral or bipedal form. Additional characters included can be other habapi, elkh, aitielkh, or shroomkin! (humans are too scared of the jungle to participate.) Habapi should be the focus of the prompt.

This prompt may be entered three times per habapi.


For doing this prompt your habapi will receive three bags of random crafting runes.

There is no standard gilde reward, however you may add additional gilde bonuses like complex BG or more characters to receive bonus gildes. For more information about base requirements and bonus gildes please check the currency guide!

If adding gilde bonuses, please copy/paste and fill out the following bonus list for your type of prompt (art or writing) into the comment section of your prompt entry!

Art Bonuses Writing Bonuses
Do not include minimum requirements here, such as required additional characters or required simple BGs!

# of Additional Minor Characters:
# of Additional Major Characters:
# of Companions:
Complex Background Y/N:
Do not include minimum requirements here, such as required additional characters!

# of Additional Minor Characters:
# of Additional Major Characters:
# of Companions:
Additional Words:


This is a character specific reward prompt so please make sure to add only the MAIN CHARACTER to the prompt submission so we know who is receiving the character reward!


Reward Amount
Habapi Crafting Materials 3


This prompt requires you to have completed Excursion to the Old District 1 time.
Restoration: Old Grove

Restoration: Old Grove

Category: Habapi Ruins


On the far west side of the ruins, a massive tree with entangled roots and vines reaches to the sky. Once intricately placed fruit trees, vegetable patches and medicinal herb beds have been long left behind and are now overgrown and wild. The aqueducts from the Twin Springs that watered the massive garden are dry.

As the Habapi return the the Old Grove they start to feel a crinkle of magical energy. They soon discovered that by clearing out and cleaning up the grove and their of surroundings, the more functional they became. The crinkle of magic energy turn into deep rustling and with it, their long forgotten Virdis magic returned.

Show your habapi clearing the overgrowth and tending to the orchards and plant beds manually or magically. How does your habapi react to their new magic ability? Does it come easy to them?

 (Read about Habapi magic Here)

While searching through the overgrowth and debris, your habapi finds a curious object. It looks like a Virdis rune stone but instead is round and red.



Show your habapi clearing the overgrowth and tending to the orchards and plant beds in Old Grove within the old Habapi Ruins.

  • Drawn prompts must include Fullbody habapi (75%+ of the body) and a platform/simple background,
  • Written prompts must be minimum of 750 words.

The main character must be a habapi! Your habapi may be in feral or bipedal form. Additional characters included can be other habapi, elkh, aitielkh, or shroomkin! (humans are too scared of the jungle to participate.) Habapi should be the focus of the prompt.

Ruins prompts may be repeated with the same or different habapi. Your habapi must first complete "First Excursion: Old Grove” to receive Viridis magic for your habapi.


For doing this prompt your habapi will receive a kilnkin heart and a crafting rune specific to this location. Your habapi will also receive a bag of two additional (random) crafting runes. They also unlock their Viridis magic for participation in Beast Trials. (Habapi only have one level of magic which is equivalent to aitielkh Lv 2/Intermediate magic)

There is no standard gilde reward, however you may add additional gilde bonuses like complex BG or more characters to receive bonus gildes. For more information about base requirements and bonus gildes please check the currency guide!

If adding gilde bonuses, please copy/paste and fill out the following bonus list for your type of prompt (art or writing) into the comment section of your prompt entry!

Art Bonuses Writing Bonuses
Do not include minimum requirements here, such as required additional characters or required simple BGs!

# of Additional Minor Characters:
# of Additional Major Characters:
# of Companions:
Complex Background Y/N:
Do not include minimum requirements here, such as required additional characters!

# of Additional Minor Characters:
# of Additional Major Characters:
# of Companions:
Additional Words:


This is a character specific reward prompt so please make sure to add only the MAIN CHARACTER to the prompt submission so we know who is receiving the character reward!


Reward Amount
Kilnkin Heart: Viridis 1
Material: Viridis 1
Habapi Crafting Materials 1


This prompt requires you to have completed First Excursion: Old Grove 1 time.
Restoration: The Cracked Tower

Restoration: The Cracked Tower

Category: Habapi Ruins


A crumbling stone tower slowly turning green with vines. Each floor contains chairs, desks and shelves strewn about, the crumbling tower walls letting in more light than it's old windows ever did. The tower winds up leading to a circular room with broken glass gadgets and metal scrap.

As the habapi climb the spiral ramp to explore the Cracked Tower they start to feel a flicker of magical energy. They soon discovered that by repairing the rooms, furniture and tools of their surroundings, the more functional the tower became. The flicker of magic energy turned into a deep rumble and with it, their long forgotten Fulgur magic returned.

Show your habapi repairing the classrooms of the Cracked Tower manually or magically. How does your habapi react to their new magic ability? Does it come easy to them? (Read about Habapi magic Here)

While searching through the soot and debris, your habapi finds a curious object, it looks like a Fulgur rune stone but instead is round and red.



Show your habapi repairing the classrooms of the Cracked Tower within the old Habapi Ruins.

  • Drawn prompts must include Fullbody habapi (75%+ of the body) and a platform/simple background,
  • Written prompts must be minimum of 750 words.

The main character must be a habapi! Your habapi may be in feral or bipedal form. Additional characters included can be other habapi, elkh, aitielkh, or shroomkin! (humans are too scared of the jungle to participate.) Habapi should be the focus of the prompt.

Ruins prompts may be repeated with the same or different habapi. Your habapi must first complete "First Excursion: The Cracked Tower” to receive Fulgur magic.


For doing this prompt your habapi will receive a kilnkin heart and a crafting rune specific to this location. Your habapi will also receive a bag of two additional (random) crafting runes. They also unlock their Fulgur magic for participation in Beast Trials. (Habapi only have one level of magic which is equivalent to aitielkh Lv 2/Intermediate magic)

There is no standard gilde reward, however you may add additional gilde bonuses like complex BG or more characters to receive bonus gildes. For more information about base requirements and bonus gildes please check the currency guide!

If adding gilde bonuses, please copy/paste and fill out the following bonus list for your type of prompt (art or writing) into the comment section of your prompt entry!

Art Bonuses Writing Bonuses
Do not include minimum requirements here, such as required additional characters or required simple BGs!

# of Additional Minor Characters:
# of Additional Major Characters:
# of Companions:
Complex Background Y/N:
Do not include minimum requirements here, such as required additional characters!

# of Additional Minor Characters:
# of Additional Major Characters:
# of Companions:
Additional Words:


This is a character specific reward prompt so please make sure to add only the MAIN CHARACTER to the prompt submission so we know who is receiving the character reward!


Reward Amount
Kilnkin Heart: Fulgur 1
Material: Fulgur 1
Habapi Crafting Materials 1


This prompt requires you to have completed First Excursion: The Cracked Tower 1 time.
Restoration: Twin Springs

Restoration: Twin Springs

Category: Habapi Ruins


Two massive stone fountains with aqueducts that spiral and weave throughout the old city. The water is only a trickle now. Carved into the fountains are stories of the past, as well as decorative patterns made up of jungle plants, animals and insects.

As the habapi return to the twin springs they start to feel a trickle of magical energy. They soon discovered that by clearing out and repairing the giant fountains and aqueducts of all the dominating plant growth, the magical water springs started to function again. As the springs flowed once more, the magic trickle turned into a deluge and long forgotten Unda magic returned.

Show your habapi clearing the overgrowth and or rebuilding the broken pieces of the springs or aqueduct manually or magically. How does your habapi react to their new magic ability? Does it come easy to them? (Read about Habapi magic Here)

While searching through the overgrowth and debris, your habapi finds a curious object, it looks like a Unda rune stone but instead is round and red.



Show your habapi clearing the overgrowth and or rebuilding the broken pieces of the springs or aqueduct in Twin Springs within the old Habapi Ruins.

  • Drawn prompts must include Fullbody habapi (75%+ of the body) and a platform/simple background,
  • Written prompts must be minimum of 750 words.

The main character must be a habapi! Your habapi may be in feral or bipedal form. Additional characters included can be other habapi, elkh, aitielkh, or shroomkin! (humans are too scared of the jungle to participate.) Habapi should be the focus of the prompt.

Ruins prompts may be repeated with the same or different habapi. Your habapi must first complete "First Excursion: Twin Springs ” to receive Unda magic.



For doing this prompt your habapi will receive a kilnkin heart and a crafting rune specific to this location. Your habapi will also receive a bag of two additional (random) crafting runes. They also unlock their Unda magic for participation in Beast Trials. (Habapi only have one level of magic which is equivalent to aitielkh Lv 2/Intermediate magic)

There is no standard gilde reward, however you may add additional gilde bonuses like complex BG or more characters to receive bonus gildes. For more information about base requirements and bonus gildes please check the currency guide!

If adding gilde bonuses, please copy/paste and fill out the following bonus list for your type of prompt (art or writing) into the comment section of your prompt entry!

Art Bonuses Writing Bonuses
Do not include minimum requirements here, such as required additional characters or required simple BGs!

# of Additional Minor Characters:
# of Additional Major Characters:
# of Companions:
Complex Background Y/N:
Do not include minimum requirements here, such as required additional characters!

# of Additional Minor Characters:
# of Additional Major Characters:
# of Companions:
Additional Words:


This is a character specific reward prompt so please make sure to add only the MAIN CHARACTER to the prompt submission so we know who is receiving the character reward!


Reward Amount
Kilnkin Heart: Unda 1
Material: Unda 1
Habapi Crafting Materials 1


This prompt requires you to have completed First Excursion: The Twin Springs 1 time.
Restoration: Underground Forges

Restoration: Underground Forges

Category: Habapi Ruins


Ducts and idle fans that lead to the surface shine dappled light in the underground caverns. Slowly moving lava vents weave between old hearths, ovens and anvils. Metal and stone scrap litter the ground reflecting glittering light in the cavern.

As the habapi return the the Underground Forges they start to feel a crackle of magical energy. They soon discovered that by repairing the hearths and tools of their surroundings, the more functional the Forges became. The crackle of magic energy turn into a steady flame and with it, their long forgotten Ignis magic returned.

Show your habapi cleaning the soot and repairing the Underground Forges manually or magically, how does your habapi react to their new magic ability? Does it come easy to them?

 (Read about Habapi magic Here)

While searching through the soot and debris, your habapi finds a curious object, it looks like a Ignis rune stone but instead is round and red.



Show your habapi cleaning and repairing the Underground Forges within the old Habapi Ruins.

  • Drawn prompts must include Fullbody habapi (75%+ of the body) and a platform/simple background,
  • Written prompts must be minimum of 750 words.

The main character must be a habapi! Your habapi may be in feral or bipedal form. Additional characters included can be other habapi, elkh, aitielkh, or shroomkin! (humans are too scared of the jungle to participate.) Habapi should be the focus of the prompt.

Ruins prompts may be repeated with the same or different habapi. Your habapi must first complete "First Excursion: Underground Forges" to receive Ignis magic.



For doing this prompt your habapi will receive a kilnkin heart and a crafting rune specific to this location. Your habapi will also receive a bag of two additional (random) crafting runes. They also unlock their Ignis magic for participation in Beast Trials. (Habapi only have one level of magic which is equivalent to aitielkh Lv 2/Intermediate magic)

There is no standard gilde reward, however you may add additional gilde bonuses like complex BG or more characters to receive bonus gildes. For more information about base requirements and bonus gildes please check the currency guide!

If adding gilde bonuses, please copy/paste and fill out the following bonus list for your type of prompt (art or writing) into the comment section of your prompt entry!

Art Bonuses Writing Bonuses
Do not include minimum requirements here, such as required additional characters or required simple BGs!

# of Additional Minor Characters:
# of Additional Major Characters:
# of Companions:
Complex Background Y/N:
Do not include minimum requirements here, such as required additional characters!

# of Additional Minor Characters:
# of Additional Major Characters:
# of Companions:
Additional Words:


This is a character specific reward prompt so please make sure to add only the MAIN CHARACTER to the prompt submission so we know who is receiving the character reward!


Reward Amount
Kilnkin Heart: Ignis 1
Material: Ignis 1
Habapi Crafting Materials 1


This prompt requires you to have completed First Excursion: Underground Forges 1 time.
16 results found.