All Prompts

Friendly Fire: Awakening

Friendly Fire: Awakening


Your aitielkh is visiting with a shroomkin village. It's been awhile and it's good to see their familiar faces again! They have a request for you: can you start a fire for them to do some cooking?

  • See here for shroomkin available for gift art and here for shroomkin available for gift writing (make sure to ask if the character says "ask first").  Additional shroomkin/characters are not required but if you add them you will get a gilde bonus.

Art: Clean, colored fullbody Elkh (75%+ of the body)  + simple or platform BG.
Written: 750 words minimum.
See HERE for more details on Prompt Requirements & Rewards.

Please copy/paste and fill out the following bonus list for your type of prompt (art or writing) into the comment section of your prompt entry!

Art Bonuses Writing Bonuses
Do not include minimum requirements here, such as required additional characters or required simple BGs!

# of Additional Minor Characters:
# of Additional Major Characters:
# of Companions:
Complex Background Y/N:
Wild Speak Y/N:
# of Simple Official Accessories:
# of Complex Official Accessories:
Do not include minimum requirements here, such as required additional characters!

# of Additional Minor Characters:
# of Additional Major Characters:
# of Companions:
Wild Speak Y/N:
# of Official Accessories:
Additional Words:


This is a character specific reward prompt so please make sure to add only the MAIN CHARACTER to the prompt submission so we know who is receiving the character reward!

Click here for Magic descriptions.


Reward Amount
Gildes 7


Friendly Fire: Intermediate
Friendly Fire: Intermediate

Friendly Fire: Intermediate


Your aitielkh has sensed a being that needs help. A shroomkin has been caught out in a blizzard, and the temperatures are far below freezing. They will need warmth to survive, but with the heavy snowfall and fierce winds, a fire out in the open wouldn't last long. How will your aitielkh use their extant Friendly Fire powers to help the shroomkin?

  • Additional character required. Must be a shroomkin; see here for shroomkin available for gift art and here for shroomkin available for gift writing (make sure to ask if the character says "ask first"). The gilde bonus for the required shroomkin is in the default gilde reward.

Art: Clean, colored fullbody Elkh (75%+ of the body)  + simple or platform BG.
Written: 750 words minimum.
See HERE for more details on Prompt Requirements & Rewards.

Please copy/paste and fill out the following bonus list for your type of prompt (art or writing) into the comment section of your prompt entry!

Art Bonuses Writing Bonuses
Do not include minimum requirements here, such as required  characters or required simple BGs!

# of Additional Minor Characters:
# of Additional Major Characters:
# of Companions:
Complex Background Y/N:
Wild Speak Y/N:
# of Simple Official Accessories:
# of Complex Official Accessories:
Do not include minimum requirements here, such as required additional characters!

# of Additional Minor Characters:
# of Additional Major Characters:
# of Companions:
Wild Speak Y/N:
# of Official Accessories:
Additional Words:


This is a character specific reward prompt so please make sure to add only the MAIN CHARACTER to the prompt submission so we know who is receiving the character reward!


Click here for Magic descriptions.


Reward Amount
Gildes 9
Wisp (Fire) 1


Friendly Fire: Mastery
This prompt requires you to have completed Friendly Fire: Awakening 1 time.
Friendly Fire: Mastery

Friendly Fire: Mastery


Your aitielkh has settled beside the aiti pool to dream. In their dream, they are faced with protecting weakened aitielkh fawns from being discovered by passing humans. How will they creatively use their extant  Friendly Fire powers to protect the fawns without harming the humans?


Art: Clean, colored fullbody Elkh (75%+ of the body)  + simple or platform BG.
Written: 750 words minimum.
See HERE for more details on Prompt Requirements & Rewards.

Please copy/paste and fill out the following bonus list for your type of prompt (art or writing) into the comment section of your prompt entry!

Art Bonuses Writing Bonuses
Do not include minimum requirements here, such as required additional characters or required simple BGs!

# of Additional Minor Characters:
# of Additional Major Characters:
# of Companions:
Complex Background Y/N:
Wild Speak Y/N:
# of Simple Official Accessories:
# of Complex Official Accessories:
Do not include minimum requirements here, such as required additional characters!

# of Additional Minor Characters:
# of Additional Major Characters:
# of Companions:
Wild Speak Y/N:
# of Official Accessories:
Additional Words:


This is a character specific reward prompt so please make sure to add only the MAIN CHARACTER to the prompt submission so we know who is receiving the character reward!


Click here for Magic descriptions.


Reward Amount
Gildes 7


This prompt requires you to have completed Friendly Fire: Intermediate 1 time.
Rushing Waters: Awakening

Rushing Waters: Awakening


After assisting some shroomkin with quelling the spectre of a deceased elkh, your aitielkh finds themself at a peaceful waterfall. They bend down to take a drink and find that their reflection looks a little off. The water is dancing in response to their presence!


Art: Clean, colored fullbody Elkh (75%+ of the body)  + simple or platform BG.
Written: 750 words minimum.
See HERE for more details on Prompt Requirements & Rewards.

Please copy/paste and fill out the following bonus list for your type of prompt (art or writing) into the comment section of your prompt entry!

Art Bonuses Writing Bonuses
Do not include minimum requirements here, such as required additional characters or required simple BGs!

# of Additional Minor Characters:
# of Additional Major Characters:
# of Companions:
Complex Background Y/N:
Wild Speak Y/N:
# of Simple Official Accessories:
# of Complex Official Accessories:
Do not include minimum requirements here, such as required additional characters!

# of Additional Minor Characters:
# of Additional Major Characters:
# of Companions:
Wild Speak Y/N:
# of Official Accessories:
Additional Words:


This is a character specific reward prompt so please make sure to add only the MAIN CHARACTER to the prompt submission so we know who is receiving the character reward!


Click here for Magic descriptions.


Reward Amount
Gildes 7


Rushing Waters: Intermediate
Rushing Waters: Intermediate

Rushing Waters: Intermediate


A concerned but awed elkh has found their way to your aitielkh. They are clearly from a nearby village and explain that the area has been very dry this summer and the humans crops are in danger. They just KNEW the tales of aitielkh were real and they are relieved to find one so they can ask for their help. How does your aitielkh use their extant Rushing Waters powers to help the village (while staying out of sight of humans)?


Art: Clean, colored fullbody Elkh (75%+ of the body)  + simple or platform BG.
Written: 750 words minimum.
See HERE for more details on Prompt Requirements & Rewards.

Please copy/paste and fill out the following bonus list for your type of prompt (art or writing) into the comment section of your prompt entry!

Art Bonuses Writing Bonuses
Do not include minimum requirements here, such as required additional characters or required simple BGs!

# of Additional Minor Characters:
# of Additional Major Characters:
# of Companions:
Complex Background Y/N:
Wild Speak Y/N:
# of Simple Official Accessories:
# of Complex Official Accessories:
Do not include minimum requirements here, such as required additional characters!

# of Additional Minor Characters:
# of Additional Major Characters:
# of Companions:
Wild Speak Y/N:
# of Official Accessories:
Additional Words:


This is a character specific reward prompt so please make sure to add only the MAIN CHARACTER to the prompt submission so we know who is receiving the character reward!


Click here for Magic descriptions.


Reward Amount
Gildes 7
Wisp (Water) 1


Rushing Waters: Mastery
This prompt requires you to have completed Rushing Waters: Awakening 1 time.
Rushing Waters: Mastery

Rushing Waters: Mastery


Your aitielkh has settled beside the aiti pool to dream. In their dream, they are faced with a raging forest fire. Animals are fleeing for their lives. In what way do they creatively use their extant Rushing Waters powers to help the animals escape harm while allowing nature to take its course?


Art: Clean, colored fullbody Elkh (75%+ of the body)  + simple or platform BG.
Written: 750 words minimum.
See HERE for more details on Prompt Requirements & Rewards.

Please copy/paste and fill out the following bonus list for your type of prompt (art or writing) into the comment section of your prompt entry!

Art Bonuses Writing Bonuses
Do not include minimum requirements here, such as required additional characters or required simple BGs!

# of Additional Minor Characters:
# of Additional Major Characters:
# of Companions:
Complex Background Y/N:
Wild Speak Y/N:
# of Simple Official Accessories:
# of Complex Official Accessories:
Do not include minimum requirements here, such as required additional characters!

# of Additional Minor Characters:
# of Additional Major Characters:
# of Companions:
Wild Speak Y/N:
# of Official Accessories:
Additional Words:


This is a character specific reward prompt so please make sure to add only the MAIN CHARACTER to the prompt submission so we know who is receiving the character reward!

Click here for Magic descriptions.


Reward Amount
Gildes 7


This prompt requires you to have completed Rushing Waters: Intermediate 1 time.
Aiti's Healing: Awakening

Aiti's Healing: Awakening


Elkh have found your aitielkh and appealed to them for help—a highly unusual meeting! It seems the shrines have been desecrated and have a foul presence. The aitielkh connection to Aiti herself may serve them to help. Go to the shrine and offer prayers to clear the troublesome spirits away.


Art: Clean, colored fullbody Elkh (75%+ of the body)  + simple or platform BG.
Written: 750 words minimum.
See HERE for more details on Prompt Requirements & Rewards.

Please copy/paste and fill out the following bonus list for your type of prompt (art or writing) into the comment section of your prompt entry!

Art Bonuses Writing Bonuses
Do not include minimum requirements here, such as required additional characters or required simple BGs!

# of Additional Minor Characters:
# of Additional Major Characters:
# of Companions:
Complex Background Y/N:
Wild Speak Y/N:
# of Simple Official Accessories:
# of Complex Official Accessories:
Do not include minimum requirements here, such as required additional characters!

# of Additional Minor Characters:
# of Additional Major Characters:
# of Companions:
Wild Speak Y/N:
# of Official Accessories:
Additional Words:


This is a character specific reward prompt so please make sure to add only the MAIN CHARACTER to the prompt submission so we know who is receiving the character reward!

Click here for Magic descriptions.


Reward Amount
Gildes 7


Aiti's Healing: Intermediate
Aiti's Healing: Intermediate

Aiti's Healing: Intermediate


It's spring, and your aitielkh has stumbled upon an injured animal. Aitielkh know nature must take its course in many ways, but in this case, they notice that the animal is taking care of young and they cannot resist doing their best to help the creature. How does your aitielkh use their extant Aiti's Healing powers to help the injured animal?

Silkkassan animal ideas: deer, fox, bear, lynx, etc.
Miatian animal ideas: deer, javalina, jackrabbit, bobcat, etc.


Art: Clean, colored fullbody Elkh (75%+ of the body)  + simple or platform BG.
Written: 750 words minimum.
See HERE for more details on Prompt Requirements & Rewards.

Please copy/paste and fill out the following bonus list for your type of prompt (art or writing) into the comment section of your prompt entry!

Art Bonuses Writing Bonuses
Do not include minimum requirements here, such as required additional characters or required simple BGs!

# of Additional Minor Characters:
# of Additional Major Characters:
# of Companions:
Complex Background Y/N:
Wild Speak Y/N:
# of Simple Official Accessories:
# of Complex Official Accessories:
Do not include minimum requirements here, such as required additional characters!

# of Additional Minor Characters:
# of Additional Major Characters:
# of Companions:
Wild Speak Y/N:
# of Official Accessories:
Additional Words:


This is a character specific reward prompt so please make sure to add only the MAIN CHARACTER to the prompt submission so we know who is receiving the character reward!

Click here for Magic descriptions.


Reward Amount
Gildes 7
Wisp (Healing) 1


Aiti's Healing: Mastery
This prompt requires you to have completed Aiti's Healing: Awakening 1 time.
Aiti's Healing: Mastery

Aiti's Healing: Mastery


Your aitielkh has settled beside the aiti pool to dream. In their dream, they are faced with a torrent of rain. The rain has been coming down for far too many days, and a village in the foothills of a mountain is in danger of being buried by a mudslide from an unstable slope. Your aitielkh cannot control the weather, so how will they use their extant Aiti's Healing powers to save the village?


Art: Clean, colored fullbody Elkh (75%+ of the body)  + simple or platform BG.
Written: 750 words minimum.
See HERE for more details on Prompt Requirements & Rewards.

Please copy/paste and fill out the following bonus list for your type of prompt (art or writing) into the comment section of your prompt entry!

Art Bonuses Writing Bonuses
Do not include minimum requirements here, such as required additional characters or required simple BGs!

# of Additional Minor Characters:
# of Additional Major Characters:
# of Companions:
Complex Background Y/N:
Wild Speak Y/N:
# of Simple Official Accessories:
# of Complex Official Accessories:
Do not include minimum requirements here, such as required additional characters!

# of Additional Minor Characters:
# of Additional Major Characters:
# of Companions:
Wild Speak Y/N:
# of Official Accessories:
Additional Words:


This is a character specific reward prompt so please make sure to add only the MAIN CHARACTER to the prompt submission so we know who is receiving the character reward!

Click here for Magic descriptions.


Reward Amount
Gildes 7


This prompt requires you to have completed Aiti's Healing: Intermediate 1 time.
Lightning Strike: Awakening

Lightning Strike: Awakening


Your aitielkh has traveled at length to reach The Lightning Master on the Fulgurite Beach. The master teaches them how to stomp their hooves to make a lightning strike, creating glass from the sand.


Art: Clean, colored fullbody Elkh (75%+ of the body)  + simple or platform BG.
Written: 750 words minimum.
See HERE for more details on Prompt Requirements & Rewards.

Please copy/paste and fill out the following bonus list for your type of prompt (art or writing) into the comment section of your prompt entry!

Art Bonuses Writing Bonuses
Do not include minimum requirements here, such as required additional characters or required simple BGs!

# of Additional Minor Characters:
# of Additional Major Characters:
# of Companions:
Complex Background Y/N:
Wild Speak Y/N:
# of Simple Official Accessories:
# of Complex Official Accessories:
Do not include minimum requirements here, such as required additional characters!

# of Additional Minor Characters:
# of Additional Major Characters:
# of Companions:
Wild Speak Y/N:
# of Official Accessories:
Additional Words:


This is a character specific reward prompt so please make sure to add only the MAIN CHARACTER to the prompt submission so we know who is receiving the character reward!

Click here for Magic descriptions.


Reward Amount
Gildes 7


Lightning Strike: Intermediate
Lightning Strike: Intermediate

Lightning Strike: Intermediate


A sudden, violent lightning storm has borne down upon the land around your aitielkh. There are clearly creatures caught out in the open unexpectedly, and they are now in harms' way. The aitielkh must find a way to use their extant Lightning Strike powers to direct the lightning away from the creatures without accidentally drawing the lightning to themself!


Art: Clean, colored fullbody Elkh (75%+ of the body)  + simple or platform BG.
Written: 750 words minimum.
See HERE for more details on Prompt Requirements & Rewards.

Please copy/paste and fill out the following bonus list for your type of prompt (art or writing) into the comment section of your prompt entry!

Art Bonuses Writing Bonuses
Do not include minimum requirements here, such as required additional characters or required simple BGs!

# of Additional Minor Characters:
# of Additional Major Characters:
# of Companions:
Complex Background Y/N:
Wild Speak Y/N:
# of Simple Official Accessories:
# of Complex Official Accessories:
Do not include minimum requirements here, such as required additional characters!

# of Additional Minor Characters:
# of Additional Major Characters:
# of Companions:
Wild Speak Y/N:
# of Official Accessories:
Additional Words:


This is a character specific reward prompt so please make sure to add only the MAIN CHARACTER to the prompt submission so we know who is receiving the character reward!

Click here for Magic descriptions.


Reward Amount
Gildes 7
Wisp (Lightning) 1


Lightning Strike: Mastery
This prompt requires you to have completed Lightning Strike: Awakening 1 time.
Lightning Strike: Mastery

Lightning Strike: Mastery


Your aitielkh has settled beside the aiti pool to dream. In their dream, they are faced with a furious Lightning Master. The master no longer deems them worthy of their powers and attacks your aiti with a torrent of lightning bolts, more than they can redirect away from themself. How does your aitielkh combat the master using their extant Lightning Strike powers to prove themself worthy?


Art: Clean, colored fullbody Elkh (75%+ of the body)  + simple or platform BG.
Written: 750 words minimum.
See HERE for more details on Prompt Requirements & Rewards.

Please copy/paste and fill out the following bonus list for your type of prompt (art or writing) into the comment section of your prompt entry!

Art Bonuses Writing Bonuses
Do not include minimum requirements here, such as required additional characters or required simple BGs!

# of Additional Minor Characters:
# of Additional Major Characters:
# of Companions:
Complex Background Y/N:
Wild Speak Y/N:
# of Simple Official Accessories:
# of Complex Official Accessories:
Do not include minimum requirements here, such as required additional characters!

# of Additional Minor Characters:
# of Additional Major Characters:
# of Companions:
Wild Speak Y/N:
# of Official Accessories:
Additional Words:


This is a character specific reward prompt so please make sure to add only the MAIN CHARACTER to the prompt submission so we know who is receiving the character reward!

Click here for Magic descriptions.


Reward Amount
Gildes 7


This prompt requires you to have completed Lightning Strike: Intermediate 1 time.
Thaumaturgy: Awakening

Thaumaturgy: Awakening


An adorable shroomkin is absolutely distraught and begging for your aitielkh's help. A strong wind has blown their shawl into the tree, and the branch is far too thin to support them if they were to try to reach it. What does your aitielkh do to help retrieve it without using magic?


See here for Prompt Requirements & Rewards.

  • Additional character required. Must be a shroomkin; see here for shroomkin available for gift art and here for shroomkin available for gift writing (make sure to ask if the character says "ask first"). The gilde bonus for the required shroomkin is in the default gilde reward.

Art: Clean, colored fullbody Elkh (75%+ of the body)  + simple or platform BG.
Written: 750 words minimum.
See HERE for more details on Prompt Requirements & Rewards.

Please copy/paste and fill out the following bonus list for your type of prompt (art or writing) into the comment section of your prompt entry!

Art Bonuses Writing Bonuses
Do not include minimum requirements here, such as required additional characters or required simple BGs!

# of Additional Minor Characters:
# of Additional Major Characters:
# of Companions:
Complex Background Y/N:
Wild Speak Y/N:
# of Simple Official Accessories:
# of Complex Official Accessories:
Do not include minimum requirements here, such as required additional characters!

# of Additional Minor Characters:
# of Additional Major Characters:
# of Companions:
Wild Speak Y/N:
# of Official Accessories:
Additional Words:


This is a character specific reward prompt so please make sure to add only the MAIN CHARACTER to the prompt submission so we know who is receiving the character reward!

Click here for Magic descriptions.


Reward Amount
Gildes 9


Thaumaturgy: Intermediate
Thaumaturgy: Intermediate

Thaumaturgy: Intermediate


The spring snowmelt has caused the rivers to swell and rush wildly. Your aitielkh spots an elkh fawn approaching a riverbank edge that rises a few feet above the water. Once they approach, a gush of water tears away the chunk of earth connecting the riverbank cliff to the mainland, and the fawn is now stranded and terrified. The remaining chunk of land will surely crumble shortly. How does your aitielkh help the fawn using their extant Thaumaturgy powers without being able to move the fawn itself? 

  • Additional character required. Must be a fawn; see here for fawns available for gift art and here for fawns available for gift writing (make sure to ask if the character says "ask first"). The gilde bonus for the required fawn is in the default gilde reward.

Art: Clean, colored fullbody Elkh (75%+ of the body)  + simple or platform BG.
Written: 750 words minimum.
See HERE for more details on Prompt Requirements & Rewards.

Please copy/paste and fill out the following bonus list for your type of prompt (art or writing) into the comment section of your prompt entry!

Art Bonuses Writing Bonuses
Do not include minimum requirements here, such as required additional characters or required simple BGs!

# of Additional Minor Characters:
# of Additional Major Characters:
# of Companions:
Complex Background Y/N:
Wild Speak Y/N:
# of Simple Official Accessories:
# of Complex Official Accessories:
Do not include minimum requirements here, such as required additional characters!

# of Additional Minor Characters:
# of Additional Major Characters:
# of Companions:
Wild Speak Y/N:
# of Official Accessories:
Additional Words:


This is a character specific reward prompt so please make sure to add only the MAIN CHARACTER to the prompt submission so we know who is receiving the character reward!

Click here for Magic descriptions.


Reward Amount
Gildes 9
Wisp (Thaumaturgy) 1


Thaumaturgy: Mastery
This prompt requires you to have completed Thaumaturgy: Awakening 1 time.
Thaumaturgy: Mastery

Thaumaturgy: Mastery


Your aitielkh has settled beside the aiti pool to dream. In their dream, they are faced with a deep, narrow sinkhole. They cannot fit inside, nor is it safe to do so. They can hear cries from below that seem to be from a shroomkin. They are surrounded by vines that could be useful, but are too short and frail to be used alone. How will they use their extant Thaumaturgy powers to raise the shroomkin out of the pit?

  • Additional character required. Must be a shroomkin; see here for shroomkin available for gift art and here for shroomkin available for gift writing (make sure to ask if the character says "ask first"). The gilde bonus for the required shroomkin is in the default gilde reward.

Art: Clean, colored fullbody Elkh (75%+ of the body)  + simple or platform BG.
Written: 750 words minimum.
See HERE for more details on Prompt Requirements & Rewards.

Please copy/paste and fill out the following bonus list for your type of prompt (art or writing) into the comment section of your prompt entry!

Art Bonuses Writing Bonuses
Do not include minimum requirements here, such as required additional characters or required simple BGs!

# of Additional Minor Characters:
# of Additional Major Characters:
# of Companions:
Complex Background Y/N:
Wild Speak Y/N:
# of Simple Official Accessories:
# of Complex Official Accessories:
Do not include minimum requirements here, such as required additional characters!

# of Additional Minor Characters:
# of Additional Major Characters:
# of Companions:
Wild Speak Y/N:
# of Official Accessories:
Additional Words:


This is a character specific reward prompt so please make sure to add only the MAIN CHARACTER to the prompt submission so we know who is receiving the character reward!

Click here for Magic descriptions.


Reward Amount
Gildes 9


This prompt requires you to have completed Thaumaturgy: Intermediate 1 time.
Shadow Step: Awakening

Shadow Step: Awakening


While walking an especially shadowy path (a shrine or the deep forest in Silkkassa, or the canyons or Matsana jungle in Miatias) your aitielkh falls into deep contemplation about their connection to Aiti. As they wander through the shadows about them it’s as if those shadows are reaching out, welcoming them even further in…


Art: Clean, colored fullbody Elkh (75%+ of the body)  + simple or platform BG.
Written: 750 words minimum.
See HERE for more details on Prompt Requirements & Rewards.

Please copy/paste and fill out the following bonus list for your type of prompt (art or writing) into the comment section of your prompt entry!

Art Bonuses Writing Bonuses
Do not include minimum requirements here, such as required additional characters or required simple BGs!

# of Additional Minor Characters:
# of Additional Major Characters:
# of Companions:
Complex Background Y/N:
Wild Speak Y/N:
# of Simple Official Accessories:
# of Complex Official Accessories:
Do not include minimum requirements here, such as required additional characters!

# of Additional Minor Characters:
# of Additional Major Characters:
# of Companions:
Wild Speak Y/N:
# of Official Accessories:
Additional Words:


This is a character specific reward prompt so please make sure to add only the MAIN CHARACTER to the prompt submission so we know who is receiving the character reward!

Click here for Magic descriptions.


Reward Amount
Gildes 7


Shadow Step: Intermediate
Shadow Step: Intermediate

Shadow Step: Intermediate


Something has startled or is chasing your aitielkh! Show how they use their Shadow Step gift to escape whatever it is that has disturbed them.


Art: Clean, colored fullbody Elkh (75%+ of the body)  + simple or platform BG.
Written: 750 words minimum.
See HERE for more details on Prompt Requirements & Rewards.

Please copy/paste and fill out the following bonus list for your type of prompt (art or writing) into the comment section of your prompt entry!

Art Bonuses Writing Bonuses
Do not include minimum requirements here, such as required  characters or required simple BGs!

# of Additional Minor Characters:
# of Additional Major Characters:
# of Companions:
Complex Background Y/N:
Wild Speak Y/N:
# of Simple Official Accessories:
# of Complex Official Accessories:
Do not include minimum requirements here, such as required additional characters!

# of Additional Minor Characters:
# of Additional Major Characters:
# of Companions:
Wild Speak Y/N:
# of Official Accessories:
Additional Words:


This is a character specific reward prompt so please make sure to add only the MAIN CHARACTER to the prompt submission so we know who is receiving the character reward!


Click here for Magic descriptions.


Reward Amount
Gildes 7
Wisp (Shadow) 1


Shadow Step: Mastery
This prompt requires you to have completed Shadow Step: Awakening 1 time.
Shadow Step: Mastery

Shadow Step: Mastery


Your aitieklh has settled beside the aiti pool to dream. They’ve found themselves trapped somewhere. Perhaps a cave mouth collapsed, or a storm brought down a particularly large tree that is now blocking the path. How does your aitielkh use their Shadow Step powers to get themselves out of this precarious situation.


Art: Clean, colored fullbody Elkh (75%+ of the body)  + simple or platform BG.
Written: 750 words minimum.
See HERE for more details on Prompt Requirements & Rewards.

Please copy/paste and fill out the following bonus list for your type of prompt (art or writing) into the comment section of your prompt entry!

Art Bonuses Writing Bonuses
Do not include minimum requirements here, such as required  characters or required simple BGs!

# of Additional Minor Characters:
# of Additional Major Characters:
# of Companions:
Complex Background Y/N:
Wild Speak Y/N:
# of Simple Official Accessories:
# of Complex Official Accessories:
Do not include minimum requirements here, such as required additional characters!

# of Additional Minor Characters:
# of Additional Major Characters:
# of Companions:
Wild Speak Y/N:
# of Official Accessories:
Additional Words:


This is a character specific reward prompt so please make sure to add only the MAIN CHARACTER to the prompt submission so we know who is receiving the character reward!


Click here for Magic descriptions.


Reward Amount
Gildes 7


This prompt requires you to have completed Shadow Step: Intermediate 1 time.
Earth Sense: Awakening

Earth Sense: Awakening


Your aitielkh encounters a young creature who obviously needs sustenance. After helping them search, whether for forage or for a parent, your aitielkh makes to leave, only to realize they can still sense them even with their back turned...


Art: Clean, colored fullbody Elkh (75%+ of the body)  + simple or platform BG.
Written: 750 words minimum.
See HERE for more details on Prompt Requirements & Rewards.

Please copy/paste and fill out the following bonus list for your type of prompt (art or writing) into the comment section of your prompt entry!

Art Bonuses Writing Bonuses
Do not include minimum requirements here, such as required additional characters or required simple BGs!

# of Additional Minor Characters:
# of Additional Major Characters:
# of Companions:
Complex Background Y/N:
Wild Speak Y/N:
# of Simple Official Accessories:
# of Complex Official Accessories:
Do not include minimum requirements here, such as required additional characters!

# of Additional Minor Characters:
# of Additional Major Characters:
# of Companions:
Wild Speak Y/N:
# of Official Accessories:
Additional Words:


This is a character specific reward prompt so please make sure to add only the MAIN CHARACTER to the prompt submission so we know who is receiving the character reward!

Click here for Magic descriptions.


Reward Amount
Gildes 7


Earth Sense: Intermediate
Earth Sense: Intermediate

Earth Sense: Intermediate


Today, your aitielkh has been sought out by an unusual petitioner. A human magicker wishes for a consultation in regards to a construction project (perhaps a well, small building, or bridge). How might your aitielkh use their extant Earthsense abilities to help them while ensuring the earth beneath the construction maintains its integrity?


Art: Clean, colored fullbody Elkh (75%+ of the body)  + simple or platform BG.
Written: 750 words minimum.
See HERE for more details on Prompt Requirements & Rewards.

Please copy/paste and fill out the following bonus list for your type of prompt (art or writing) into the comment section of your prompt entry!

Art Bonuses Writing Bonuses
Do not include minimum requirements here, such as required  characters or required simple BGs!

# of Additional Minor Characters:
# of Additional Major Characters:
# of Companions:
Complex Background Y/N:
Wild Speak Y/N:
# of Simple Official Accessories:
# of Complex Official Accessories:
Do not include minimum requirements here, such as required additional characters!

# of Additional Minor Characters:
# of Additional Major Characters:
# of Companions:
Wild Speak Y/N:
# of Official Accessories:
Additional Words:


This is a character specific reward prompt so please make sure to add only the MAIN CHARACTER to the prompt submission so we know who is receiving the character reward!


Click here for Magic descriptions.


Reward Amount
Gildes 7
Wisp (Sense) 1


Earth Sense: Mastery
This prompt requires you to have completed Earth Sense: Awakening 1 time.
21 results found.